What to put in your travel bag? No.1

What to put in your travel bag? No.1

The long summer is over and autumn has arrived, although the days are still hot.

Fall is also the season for travel. When preparing for a trip,
what do you take with you? You want to keep it compact, and
now that everything is so easily accessible and convenient, you can buy anything you need.

Are you taking a book with you that you haven't read?
Should you have another pair of shoes?
What about a raincoat? An umbrella? What about a hat? It is difficult to choose between the two.

Many people seem to take beauty-related items such as lotion, serum, etc.
that they have received and accumulated samples
to take with them on trips, but I personally disagree!

The hotel was drier than expected, you got sunburned from walking outside for a long time,
you were more active than planned and got tired...
etc. Unexpected things tend to happen and the environment may be different from daily life.
Cosmetics that you do not use regularly may be a burden to your skin.

Even if it is a bit of a hassle, we recommend that you bring a small container
refilled with cosmetics that you use on a daily basis.

Of course, you can enjoy
relaxing nights on your trip for samples of everyday items, plus the night cream,
packs, and other extras you wanted to use.

Also absolutely indispensable are bath salts.

Aside from spa trips, bath salts are a must-have if you are in a hotel.
Even a small bathtub in a reasonable hotel can be relaxing,
and when you stay in a gorgeous hotel, the
bath salts provided by the hotel are of course good, but it is also fun to take a long bath with
your favorite bath salts, stretching your arms and legs to the fullest.

I take " Soaring Snake Oil " from the natural Chinese herbal spa herbs with me when I travel.

Soaring snake oil is luxuriously made from high-grade fragrant wood, which relaxes the body through its aromatic effects.
In addition, it contains safflower, which helps to promote the circulation of blood.
I walk a lot when I travel, so it is perfect for relieving muscle fatigue.

Benihana is a crude drug used in Chinese herbal medicine and is read as
kouka instead of benibana as a crude drug. It is believed to have a rheumatic effect, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and
immunostimulant properties.

By the way, the contents of soaring snake oil look like this. Red is safflower.


Follow the autumn leaves and look for good food...
Wishing you an enjoyable travel season.

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