Deserted scalp?

Deserted scalp?

The other day at the hair salon, I was talking with a colorist about how strong sunlight can burn your hair.

We were talking about fading when you are coloring your hair.
The hairdresser said, "Damage such as fading and dryness of hair is
noticed by the customers themselves, so some of them take care
of it by treating their hair,
But in fact, the top of their head is more burnt than their hair.
In addition to being burnt, many of you are severely dry like a desert!" (^0^;)

Indeed, the closest I can get to the sun is the top of my head.
And I can't see it myself.

Like other parts of the skin, burns from strong sunlight can cause
redness, itching, dryness, and peeling.

Damage to the scalp can, of course, prevent the growth of hair matrix cells, the source of hair,
It also makes it difficult to deliver sufficient oxygen and nutrients to the scalp and pores.
As a result, it increases the risk of thinning hair! Scary!

For the hair itself, strong UV rays can damage the cuticle,
dry out the hair and make it less durable after coloring, and
break down melanin pigment, the source of dark hair, resulting in poor hair color.
This means that both scalp and hair must be treated with UV.

The basics are hats and parasols. These are must-haves.
A hat with a high UV cut rate is good.

However, my favorite hat has a low UV protection rate because it prioritizes coolness.
So, I use something like this.

Sunscreen hair spray for hair and scalp.
before you go out, or in your bag if you are going to be out for a long time.
Put it in and reintroduce it in the middle of the process. It is easy and very good.

Shake lightly and spray quickly on hair and scalp.

The most important thing is to take good care of your skin and avoid getting sunburnt.
But if you still feel that you have been exposed to strong sunlight for a day,
recommends the natural Chinese herbal spa herb "Seiryuu".

Peach leaves for sensitive skin,
bath herb with rosebuds (called rosebud maikaikaika in Chinese medicine).

After slowly submerging your body in the tub, pre-wash before shampooing.
Use hot water from "Seiryuyu."

It will gently care for scalp and hair that have become sensitive to ultraviolet rays.

Natural Chinese herbal spa herb "Seiryu" Rose flower (maikaika), peach leaves,
Contains moxa leaves (mugwort) and rose hips

Here's what it looks like inside. Peach leaves, wormwood with roses and rose hips.
You can see it's in there.

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