What to put in your travel bag? No.1
The long summer is over, and while the days are still hot, autumn has arrived. Autumn is also the season for travel. When preparing for a trip, what do you take with you? You want to keep it compact, and now that we live in a convenient age where everything is easily accessible, you can buy anything you need.
What to put in your travel bag? No.1
The long summer is over, and while the days are still hot, autumn has arrived. Autumn is also the season for travel. When preparing for a trip, what do you take with you? You want to keep it compact, and now that we live in a convenient age where everything is easily accessible, you can buy anything you need.
Recommendation to take a bath in the morning because of the hot weather
According to the weather forecast, the lingering summer heat is expected to continue. It is said here and there that summer is the time to soak in the bathtub. I know it is good for beauty and health to take a long soak in the bathtub. However, even I, a bath lover, find it a hassle to take a bath after coming home from work, especially during the hot season! I know it's good for your health and beauty.
Recommendation to take a bath in the morning because of the hot weather
According to the weather forecast, the lingering summer heat is expected to continue. It is said here and there that summer is the time to soak in the bathtub. I know it is good for beauty and health to take a long soak in the bathtub. However, even I, a bath lover, find it a hassle to take a bath after coming home from work, especially during the hot season! I know it's good for your health and beauty.
Mugi-cha (barley tea) is a must in summer.
This summer has been really hot. I have been drinking barley tea since I was a child, but this summer I feel that barley tea tastes even better. I have tried various ways of making barley tea, such as boiling it or using packets, but lately I have been enjoying this barley tea made from naked barley.
Mugi-cha (barley tea) is a must in summer.
This summer has been really hot. I have been drinking barley tea since I was a child, but this summer I feel that barley tea tastes even better. I have tried various ways of making barley tea, such as boiling it or using packets, but lately I have been enjoying this barley tea made from naked barley.
Bear Bear Bile (Yutang)
One of the main ingredients of Kameda Rokushingan bear bile is an animal herbal medicine derived from bears, It is also known as bear's bile. It has been used in China since ancient times, In Japan, it has been used since the Asuka Period, It is made by drying the gall bladder of bears.
Bear Bear Bile (Yutang)
One of the main ingredients of Kameda Rokushingan bear bile is an animal herbal medicine derived from bears, It is also known as bear's bile. It has been used in China since ancient times, In Japan, it has been used since the Asuka Period, It is made by drying the gall bladder of bears.
Deserted scalp?
The other day at the hair salon, the colorist and I were talking about how strong sunlight can burn your hair. We were talking about fading when it is colored. The hair stylist said, "Some customers notice the fading and dryness of their hair, so they take care of it by treating it, but actually, the top of their head gets burned more than their hair. In addition to being burnt, many of them are terribly dry, like a desert!" (^0^;)
Deserted scalp?
The other day at the hair salon, the colorist and I were talking about how strong sunlight can burn your hair. We were talking about fading when it is colored. The hair stylist said, "Some customers notice the fading and dryness of their hair, so they take care of it by treating it, but actually, the top of their head gets burned more than their hair. In addition to being burnt, many of them are terribly dry, like a desert!" (^0^;)
Bear's bile (bear's bile)
I am currently reading "Mikawa Zohei Shinteki" by Tadamasa Ihara. I found "kumarogarai," which is also contained in kameroku. As mentioned in the text, it is good for stomachache. When I have an upset stomach after eating too much cold food in the extreme heat, Rokushingan, it works well.
Bear's bile (bear's bile)
I am currently reading "Mikawa Zohei Shinteki" by Tadamasa Ihara. I found "kumarogarai," which is also contained in kameroku. As mentioned in the text, it is good for stomachache. When I have an upset stomach after eating too much cold food in the extreme heat, Rokushingan, it works well.