Tasting and hand-bathing experience will be held on October 14!
The last event was held in June at "Kimono Madoi" in Nihonbashi Ningyocho, Tokyo, where participants experienced a hand bath with natural Chinese spa herbs from Kameda Risaburo Yakuho and tasted irodori herbal tea. 🎉 We are pleased to announce that the second event will be held on October 14 (Monday, national holiday) from 2:00 p.m. 👏.
Tasting and hand-bathing experience will be held on October 14!
The last event was held in June at "Kimono Madoi" in Nihonbashi Ningyocho, Tokyo, where participants experienced a hand bath with natural Chinese spa herbs from Kameda Risaburo Yakuho and tasted irodori herbal tea. 🎉 We are pleased to announce that the second event will be held on October 14 (Monday, national holiday) from 2:00 p.m. 👏.
With the air conditioner left on.
It was a harsh August, when the temperature was said to be 30 degrees Celsius, one would think that it was somehow comfortable or cooler today. However, September is not yet autumn in Japan these days. Of course, it is difficult to find a temperature setting that does not make you feel too cold or too hot. It is quite comfortable to sleep with a light air conditioner and a summer jacket, but is there anyone who wakes up feeling stiff and tense? I'm not sure.
With the air conditioner left on.
It was a harsh August, when the temperature was said to be 30 degrees Celsius, one would think that it was somehow comfortable or cooler today. However, September is not yet autumn in Japan these days. Of course, it is difficult to find a temperature setting that does not make you feel too cold or too hot. It is quite comfortable to sleep with a light air conditioner and a summer jacket, but is there anyone who wakes up feeling stiff and tense? I'm not sure.
Summer heat in the 2024 extreme heat season
I am well aware that it is not a good time to say it, but I want to say it! It's hot...too hot...! It doesn't matter anymore whether it is in Kyoto, the basin, Osaka, or Tokyo, the heat is nationwide. The question is how to survive the long summer that has started in May. My three items to prevent summer fatigue this summer are
Summer heat in the 2024 extreme heat season
I am well aware that it is not a good time to say it, but I want to say it! It's hot...too hot...! It doesn't matter anymore whether it is in Kyoto, the basin, Osaka, or Tokyo, the heat is nationwide. The question is how to survive the long summer that has started in May. My three items to prevent summer fatigue this summer are
スマホとPCで、眼精疲労は日常。目の奥が重くなったり、熱を帯びてるような感覚。 さらに、この強い日差しで、サングラスは必ず持って歩いているけど、それでも紫外線による目のダメージを感じる今日この頃。
スマホとPCで、眼精疲労は日常。目の奥が重くなったり、熱を帯びてるような感覚。 さらに、この強い日差しで、サングラスは必ず持って歩いているけど、それでも紫外線による目のダメージを感じる今日この頃。
東京日本橋 人形町で試飲と手浴体験
去る6月23日の日曜日、東京・日本橋人形町の「きもの円居(まどい)」さんで、亀田利三郎薬舗の天然漢方スパハーブの手浴体験と養生茶irodoriの試飲会を行いました。 着物の販売のみならず、着付け教室や着物レンタルと総合的に和の暮らしを提案してらっしゃる円居さん。
東京日本橋 人形町で試飲と手浴体験
去る6月23日の日曜日、東京・日本橋人形町の「きもの円居(まどい)」さんで、亀田利三郎薬舗の天然漢方スパハーブの手浴体験と養生茶irodoriの試飲会を行いました。 着物の販売のみならず、着付け教室や着物レンタルと総合的に和の暮らしを提案してらっしゃる円居さん。
最近よく耳する「リカバリーウエア」という言葉。 着るだけで、疲労回復できたり、睡眠の質を上げたり、使った筋肉を休ませたりする服だそうで。すごーく気になって、気になって、でもお値段も結構なものだし、さらに私は疑い深く、そんな着るだけでどうこうなるわけないじゃない!と思いつつ。。。
最近よく耳する「リカバリーウエア」という言葉。 着るだけで、疲労回復できたり、睡眠の質を上げたり、使った筋肉を休ませたりする服だそうで。すごーく気になって、気になって、でもお値段も結構なものだし、さらに私は疑い深く、そんな着るだけでどうこうなるわけないじゃない!と思いつつ。。。